A few weeks ago, a friend on FB reported
that a church he and his wife had been attending for several weeks had a
Sunday morning announcement that the church qualified for a 3.9 million dollar
loan. My friend was baffled and asking if this was normal--do churches this size need loans this large? What ensued in the comments section of his post was
perspective from all sides—from the eschewing of large churches in favor of
smaller house-church-sized communities to those arguing for the possibility
that such a loan was reasonable depending on the size of the church and its
yearly income. Others quoted popular
authors who were mega-church-pastors-turned-house-church-planters and now criticize the industrial machine of the American mega-church and how it is so
different from Jesus’ model—Jesus who disciple a small bunch of men and often
turned away crowds.
It’d be easy to roll on the waves of
this debate, tossing to and fro with each theoretical argument that doesn’t
actually take into account the workings of the Spirit at my church in North
Liberty, Iowa, in 2014. Instead of taking sides on the debate, I find myself wanting to throw away
categories, to resist the temptation to classify one model as better than
another and, rather, classify our own motivations, classify our own leadings as Spirit-led or not.
Here I am, on staff at a 500-some-member
church that is only 8 years old. And we seem to keep growing as we show and tell people about Jesus. And if we keep showing and telling people
about Jesus in the way we’re doing, it seems it would stand to reason that LIFEchurch will grow larger. And if so, how could we
not keep making room for more people? (Note: this will likely involve leases and building mortgages.)
The Spirit seems to be doing something in response
to our telling people about Jesus, and we don't have the sense that we should start closing the doors and turning people away. More
people come every week. More people return every week. And people report that their lives are changing. That their prayers are being answered. That they've found new hope in Jesus. How could I dream of
turning them away because the Big-Church Model isn’t perfect?
It isn’t perfect, I'll admit. It’s hard to organize good follow-up systems. It's hard to keep track of who's actually coming and what their needs are. It’s hard to get people plugged
into meaningful relationships with smaller groups of believers (as opposed to all 500 that attend on Sunday) and it's hard to connect the right people with the class they are most in need of. And it's not the right model for everyone in every season of life, but we are sure trying to make it work for all the people who walk through the doors. And what’s
the alternative? “Good luck finding a church where there’s an
open seat for you”?
I'm happy to think that the formerly big-church
pastors had good reason for resignation and for shifting gears, reasons that made sense for their own lives and callings and purposes. But we don’t. Not now. Not yet when it seems like we’re doing exactly
what we should be doing, which is growing a church.